Members present: Mark Karlberg, William Elovirta, Jeanne Pryor
Others Present: Joseph Kellogg, Colleen O’Connor, Maddy Elovirta, Rita Furlong, Eva Birkette, Ann Krawet, Ann Spadafora, Sean Raymer, Chris Bouchard, John Sakata-Berkshire Eagle, Bruce Garlow
7:30 PM Meeting opened.
Mark asked if anyone was recording the meeting. No one is recording the meeting other than the Select Board.
Joe advised that the Highway Superintendent Search Committee had received eight resumes for this position and interviewed three candidates. The Search Committee has recommended that Christopher Bouchard be appointed as the new highway superintendent. Joe introduced Chris Bouchard to the Selectmen. He advised that he has over twenty years experience in the field and for the last ten years he has worked in the Town of Otis, seven of which he has served as the highway superintendent. He has all of the proper licenses that are needed to do the job. Jeanne motioned to approve the Town Administrator’s appointment of Christopher Bouchard as Highway Superintendent, Bill seconded. All in favor. Joe advised that Chris would be starting on April 8, 2013.
7:35 PM Jeanne motioned to go into Executive Session under G.L. c. 30A, Sec. 21 (a) (6) to consider negotiations relating to the purchase and/or exchange of real property, Bill seconded. Roll call vote: Jeanne-aye, Bill-aye, Mark-aye.
7:46 PM Jeanne motioned to go into Executive Session under G.L. c. 30A, Sec. 21 (a) (4) to discuss the deployment of security personnel, Bill seconded. Roll call vote: Jeanne-aye, Bill-aye, Mark-aye.
8:00PM Board returned to open session.
Bill motioned to approve the minutes of March 6, 2013, Jeanne seconded. All in favor. Bill motioned to approve the minutes of the Executive Session of February 15, 2013 and not to release them, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Bruce Garlow of the Town Meeting Bylaw Review Committee addressed the Board regarding a couple of issues. The first issue is that the Board of Selectmen created the TMBRC and the committee charge approved by the BOS requires a town meeting vote to allow the committee to continue working on the bylaw in the event that their revisions are not ready for this annual town meeting. Bruce feels that instead of cluttering up the town meeting warrant with this issue the Selectmen could vote to allow the committee to continue working on the bylaw in the event that their revisions are not ready for the Annual Town Meeting. Bill motioned to amend the charge to the Town Meeting Bylaw Review Committee as presented by Mr. Garlow, Jeanne seconded. All in favor. Bruce also advised that in the third paragraph
of the charge it states that the committee shall report its recommendations to the town no later than the Annual Town Meeting of 2013. This should be amended to a date later than the ATM. Jeanne motioned that the first sentence in the third paragraph read as follows: The Committee shall report its recommendations to the town at a future Special Town or Annual Town Meeting, at which time the town will consider the proposed bylaw, Bill seconded. All in favor. Bruce also advised that the Town Bylaws refer to the Selectmen as “Selectmen” or “Board of Selectmen” but recently there have been official documents that show the Board as “Select Board” or “Selectboard” and it is very confusing and it should be the same on everything. If the Board decides it wants to be referred to as a Select Board it would need to change the bylaws. Joe advised that the State Law refers to Boards of Selectmen and he feels the
legislature should make the change to Select Board. Jeanne motioned to go back to using Board of Selectmen and not Select Board, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Board rescheduled the pole hearing for the proposed installation of two solely owned poles on Wade Inn Road by Verizon on April 17, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Bill asked if anything was said to Verizon about double poles all over town. Joe advised that he had not spoken to Verizon about that but they would be told that these double poles would need to be addressed.
Bill motioned to approve the seasonal liquor license renewals for Berkshire Berries for a seasonal all alcoholic package store license; Becket Country Store for a seasonal all alcoholic package store license and Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival for a seasonal all alcoholic restaurant license, Jeanne wanted to look through the renewals to make sure everything that was required was included in the renewals. Nina advised that she has not received the certificate of inspection from the Building Inspector and Fire Chief for Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival. All restaurant licenses need to have a certificate of inspection from the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief. Bill withdrew the motion. Bill motioned to approve the seasonal liquor license renewals for Berkshire Berries for a seasonal all alcoholic
package store license and Becket Country Store for a seasonal all alcoholic package store license, Jeanne seconded. All in favor. Jeanne motioned to hold off signing the liquor license from Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival for a seasonal all alcoholic restaurant license until the inspection is complete, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Board reviewed the Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report. Briefly discussed sending some of the requests to small claims court. Joe advised that the town would not need a lawyer to bring something to small claims court. Bill motioned to have the Town Administrator take appropriate action and send to small claims court the identified claims on the Becket Ambulance Request for Write-Off Report and to write-off the one identified claim, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
The Board reviewed the monthly reports of the Building Inspector and Animal Control Officer.
Board of Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Bill welcomed Chris Bouchard to the town as highway superintendent.
Town Administrator’s Report: Joe advised that the Town Administrator Search Committee has received 21 resumes for the Town Administrator position and the search committee will be conducting 5 interviews next week. These will be done in Executive Session since they are still in the preliminary screening. He is hoping that there will be three candidates that will be recommended to be interviewed by the Selectmen.
Joe advised that Congressman Richard Neal will be having office hours at the Town Hall on May 7, 2013 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Joe advised that Richard Neal’s aide would be here.
Public Input: Ann Spadafora feels the Board should contact the representatives and push to have them change Boards of Selectmen to Select Boards. Ann also feels the Town Meeting Bylaw Review Committee should not be allowed to act indefinitely. Joe advised that if the charge was voted on by the Board of Selectmen then the Board could vote to amend the charge as they feel necessary. If the Town voted on the charge then it would need to go to town meeting to be amended.
Colleen O’Connor advised that about a year ago there was a bridge report from the State that had a few town bridges on it. She advised that the Maple Street Bridge was included in this report and that it was rated an F4 which is the lowest rating that it could get. She feels that there are problems in North Becket with well water and septic systems but the town focused the CDBG on sidewalks. She feels that the bridge repair would be a weightier issue especially when cars and school buses travel over this bridge and there is a septic line that traverses under this bridge. She wants to know what the plan is for the bridge. Briefly discussed the bridge repair. Joe advised that he would look into this to see if the State would be repairing this bridge. Bill advised that the
State would not allow school buses driving over a bridge if it was in really bad condition.
Any other business: Joe advised that there were a couple of appointments that should have been put on the agenda but were not. There was interest from a woman who wanted to be appointed to the Historical Commission. Bill would like input from the Historical Commission before they appoint anyone to the Commission. Nina will check with them and get back to the Selectmen. Bruce Garlow also expressed interest in being appointed to the 250th Anniversary Committee. Jeanne advised that he has already been coming to meetings and working with the committee so she suggests that they appoint him. Jeanne motioned to appoint Bruce Garlow to the 250th Anniversary Committee, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Briefly discussed what will go on the cover of the Annual Town Report.
Jeanne motioned that released Executive Session minutes are not to be posted on the town’s website but could be obtained by public records request, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Jeanne advised that the Democratic Town Committee would like to hold a forum regarding alternative energy and solar energy at the town hall and have some experts available for this forum. She wanted to know what everyone thought about this. Joe felt that as long as the Selectmen do not endorse this it would be fine. She also advised that the person who would speak about solar energy wants to know what the town spends on electricity. Joe advised that this would be a very time consuming thing and towns often create an energy committee who would do the research on this.
Reviewed correspondence.
9:04 PM Jeanne motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman
Documents discussed at meeting:
- Memo dated 3/13/13 from Bruce Garlow regarding Town Meeting Bylaw Review Committee Charge
- Memo dated 3/13/13 from Bruce Garlow requesting appointment to Becket 250th Anniversary Committee